My Picks, Awards and Me!


I probably should have given the disclaimer about Pick of the day being on off, on Weekends as Picker needs to go out and click some Pics.

However, missing my supposedly daily post for two days gave me a perfect excuse to also respond to a really delayed award acceptance post. See, the delay was partially due to my laziness but not entirely so. Let me explain…

Recently I endorsed someone I used to follow, regularly in the past. Hence, when I was asked to write a few words, I chimed right in, without really caring to look around for the latest work by the fellow writer, I said the kindest words I could summon. To my disappointment, I later found the fallen level of quality of work by the person, leaving me wanting to take my words back. Now I know I couldn’t do that, I decided to rediscover my favourite blogs before I open my mouth ever again, hence, delaying the acceptance post.

Now, getting back to the point of discussion, I was given, One lovely blog award on July 18 by DianneGray and Very inspiring Blog by TJ on July 24th. Before I go ahead and list my Favourite 14 links, I think, I need to take care of a few Things,

Thank, the kind one (two) who found you worthy of the award. Thank you Dianne and TJ.

Share 7things about myself.

I think I did write something worthless like that in the past, so why bother repeating… Here is the link for you to check it out. (I told you, I am a lazy Sod!)

and finally to my favourite bit…

The award of the One lovely blog goes to…. (sequence is random)

1.  She’s got all that it takes, to be One lovely award. She is funny, Witty, creative and has a way with words. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Ashley Jillian!

2. Rant and Roll is, just that, Lovely. It is the story of every girl, it has poems, pictures and stories.

3. This kid has talent, with his digital eye he has created a lovely world.

4. Katie here, has a nice tool-kit for any wanna be writer, who needs a few nudges to move along.

5. Another kid from around the block, who is not ready to let anything stop him from spreading his Andyism.

6. In her words, she is,  “I am a clever girl with a strong will and a high temper.”  and for me her heart-felt words are just lovely.

7. she has created an oasis in desert and a lovely blog here.

Here is a token for those who have inspired me all along

1.   I found her blog through Katie’s and since then my Fridays are just not the same. Her collection of 100 words have brought so many wanna be’s and great ones together. Very inspiring!

2. Another wonderful Lady, inspiring us all to come up with words matching the challenge every week.

3. I have never heard a word from him but his pictures have summed most beautiful stories ever told.

4. His confidence is contagious and words inspiring.  For lifting broken spirits ‘being arindam’ is all you need.

5. Her posts gives me, “You can do it too” feel every time. Simple words, great stories, for inspiration, she is all that one needs.

6. In my virtual world, she is my superstar, I always thought my life was quite a story in itself, till I read about her.

7.  I materialized my love for photography, after I found this site. To get me to do something, needs sold work, thank you for inspiring me to move my butt.

Now its time for making some noise. Gota go!

7 responses »

  1. thanks for the kind words bittercharm, I too have been a bit lazy and delayed on my responses. But now I’m back to it! Your nominee blogs are quite interesting. Cheers and congrats to you also 😀

  2. Congrats on getting both these awards and thanks a lot for passing on one to my blog. I am not sure if I am inspiring, because I write to inspire myself other than anything else. 🙂 I will make sure to check this list bloggers, I am sure they must be doing some really good work with the blog. Thanks again. Have a great week!

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