Category Archives: Awards

Sunshine Blog Award!


Okay, Step aside my dearest friends, I think I am on to something here!

In all seriousness, this might be the new world record  of my delayed action on ”Things to do’.

Some time in late march Ellie honored me with her generous sprinkle of sunshine and I am not sure how but I seemed to have missed acting upon it. So my dearest Ellie I thank you with all my heart and to prove that your effort was not in vain, I am here to carry forward your thread.

Ideally As per the rules I am suppose to tell you 7 things about myself, which to be honest I find rather waste of time. Why would you want to know about a perfect stranger! But here is the scoop if you still do.

Instead, Let me share 5 sunniest people I have ever met here at WordPress, You will definitely enjoy their blogs as much as I do. Here is the list in no particular order.

Madison Woods – She is a friend, a mentor, a terrific writer, a distant voice I like to talk to. She is an inspiring story and she is currently living amidst nature to make a life of her dreams come true. She is the mother of ‘Friday flash fiction’ that got many wanna be writers like myself get out and actually write.

Gilly Mbachu Goldsworthy – G, as I like to call her, is that kind voice that we all need. She amazes me with her ability to be always there to encourage you, to guide you and to make you feel wanted. She is a proud new Gramma of lil Scarlett, check the lil one out here.

Dianne Gray – A real celebrity Writer! I have read couple of her books and she is absolutely great. Her mystery packed stories are so convincing that you would actually believe them for facts. She is  an active blogger and is down to earth beyond my imagination. She is a constant source of inspiration. Her books can be found here.

Arindam Mohapatra – I have had the honor to witness the journey of this shy fellow Indian blogger. Couple of years ago he took a leap of faith and started sharing his words in the language that wasn’t our first. A young man who back then bravely struggled not just with his thoughts but medium of expression too, is now a proud published writer of I Wish and Hope.

Coco J. Ginger – Who is Coco J. Ginger? I have no Idea, but every time I read her posts, I envy her words for not having thought of them myself. I love her boldness, her crazy sass. If I was a guy I would have followed her to the heavens above or the hell below.

Along with these 5 veteran bloggers in my reader, Here are 7 new ones I found recently.

Spice of Life – Is an interesting blog, the owner/author has assigned 101 targets to herself ( I am assuming ‘Her’ as there was a mani/padi and facial in the wish-list) to be completed in 1001 days. I am still discovering her posts. Why don’t you join the quest.

Stephen Murphy – is an ex-navy, an amazing poet and a wonderful photographer. He has written and published a collection. I have just found his blog and going to relish his work bit by bit. I hope you do the same.

Vicky – is studying photography in Canada and I think the work already is exquisite. Don’t you agree?

Just a girl – for a 17 year old she is wiser than her years. Her words are powerful and images strong. Check her out now.

Into the dark blue sea – Images in this blog are nostalgic, they arouse emotions that I am yet to contemplate. See if they leave the same effect on you.

Ludovico Verducci –  I met this handsome Italian young man in a photography competition in The Netherlands and later found his blog. He collects moments on his travels and turns them into wonderful pictures. His simple yet engaging words laced with his  beautiful work makes for an interesting blog.

Taking the Kitchen – My today’s triumph! This blog seems to me, is about a journey that starts in the kitchen with the food but doesn’t end there. Come with me as we take baby steps around to see what delicious treat it may have in store.

“My dearest friends,  sunshineaward

Old and new,

Yes, you above,

All of you…

Close your eyes,

and Open your heart…

Sun Shine is coming through!”

My Picks, Awards and Me!


I probably should have given the disclaimer about Pick of the day being on off, on Weekends as Picker needs to go out and click some Pics.

However, missing my supposedly daily post for two days gave me a perfect excuse to also respond to a really delayed award acceptance post. See, the delay was partially due to my laziness but not entirely so. Let me explain…

Recently I endorsed someone I used to follow, regularly in the past. Hence, when I was asked to write a few words, I chimed right in, without really caring to look around for the latest work by the fellow writer, I said the kindest words I could summon. To my disappointment, I later found the fallen level of quality of work by the person, leaving me wanting to take my words back. Now I know I couldn’t do that, I decided to rediscover my favourite blogs before I open my mouth ever again, hence, delaying the acceptance post.

Now, getting back to the point of discussion, I was given, One lovely blog award on July 18 by DianneGray and Very inspiring Blog by TJ on July 24th. Before I go ahead and list my Favourite 14 links, I think, I need to take care of a few Things,

Thank, the kind one (two) who found you worthy of the award. Thank you Dianne and TJ.

Share 7things about myself.

I think I did write something worthless like that in the past, so why bother repeating… Here is the link for you to check it out. (I told you, I am a lazy Sod!)

and finally to my favourite bit…

The award of the One lovely blog goes to…. (sequence is random)

1.  She’s got all that it takes, to be One lovely award. She is funny, Witty, creative and has a way with words. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present Ashley Jillian!

2. Rant and Roll is, just that, Lovely. It is the story of every girl, it has poems, pictures and stories.

3. This kid has talent, with his digital eye he has created a lovely world.

4. Katie here, has a nice tool-kit for any wanna be writer, who needs a few nudges to move along.

5. Another kid from around the block, who is not ready to let anything stop him from spreading his Andyism.

6. In her words, she is,  “I am a clever girl with a strong will and a high temper.”  and for me her heart-felt words are just lovely.

7. she has created an oasis in desert and a lovely blog here.

Here is a token for those who have inspired me all along

1.   I found her blog through Katie’s and since then my Fridays are just not the same. Her collection of 100 words have brought so many wanna be’s and great ones together. Very inspiring!

2. Another wonderful Lady, inspiring us all to come up with words matching the challenge every week.

3. I have never heard a word from him but his pictures have summed most beautiful stories ever told.

4. His confidence is contagious and words inspiring.  For lifting broken spirits ‘being arindam’ is all you need.

5. Her posts gives me, “You can do it too” feel every time. Simple words, great stories, for inspiration, she is all that one needs.

6. In my virtual world, she is my superstar, I always thought my life was quite a story in itself, till I read about her.

7.  I materialized my love for photography, after I found this site. To get me to do something, needs sold work, thank you for inspiring me to move my butt.

Now its time for making some noise. Gota go!

The Versatile Blogger Award!


Well now, for those who think I bribed my dear friend Atossa from here, to give me this great new year gift, ( Phss… Buddy, just making a public speech, your treat is still on!) here is your chance to bribe me as well… 😛

Cause I am going to make 15 of you, very famous today.

As I was picked for being a versatile blogger (Finally someone saw my worth, huh!), I was handed set of following rules….

  1.  Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
  2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
  3.  Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
  4.  Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

Thank you lpphotosblog, for making my New Year eve, really special.

Oh I love this bit… I have blabbered quite a lot, about myself HERE

15 bloggers… that’s tough there are so many I like.

  1. (sorry buddy but you got to be on the list, I love your work.)
  2.  (She is amazing with her shutter)
  3. ( well just read him, you will know)
  4. (to human spirit, read to know what you can do more!)
  5. (Great work)
  6. (Click on the link to fall in love with what camera can do)
  7. (I feel meager to be presenting him this award… but just to show I love what he does with words)
  8. (This man knows the word Humor)
  9. (Click, Click, Click, that’s what she does the best)
  10. (He’s got a style)
  11. (Pictures worth a 100,000,000,000,000 words)
  12. (Pictures, Pictures, Pictures… that i love)
  13. (The silent one)

Phew, I will stop here I think… I have to leave notes as well… so 13 are enough.

With that, I hope you had great holidays and have a year full of unknown possibilities ahead.

To Dreams!

“The Liebster Blog award”!


So here is a perfect day wasted, in being frustrated, irritated and low. All, for no apparent reason at all.


May be, but Just past the afternoon, I realized that no one is going to show up to change a thing. So I decided to snap out of it myself. There I was, thinking of all the good things that could happen to people, ahem, me. Although, I must admit, nothing in the list could equal, being awarded as someone’s favorite thing.


So, finally today, first time ever, I have received an award, “The Liebster Blog Award”!

I jumped up and down,

 Screamed a little,


 Screamed some more,

 Yes, yes, Yes, I did it, I did it!

 But then, it dawned on me, I didn’t know, what the hell is The Liebster Blog award?

The GOD of Internet : Google, quickly came to my rescue, and enlightened me with the details.

“Liebster” is a German word, literally translating to being favorite or beloved. Blah, Blah, Blah!

So with some more, OH MY GAWD! OH MY GAWD! I found out the rules:

1. Must thank the presenter. (Like one would forget, Huh! People like me would have spent their lives rehearsing the thank you note.)

2. Link back to the presenter. (I am not so sure how that’s done, but sounds fair.)

3. Copy the award in your blog. (My Favorite!)

4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed. (that shouldn’t be so hard)

5. Leave a note to all the lucky souls. ( Yes Sir)

Thank you Eliza, for considering me worth a second thought.

So, Linking is done (I think), I will add the logo later.

Moving on to number 4, I am avid reader, so I have a long list of favorite blogs here, since award is for new and upcoming bloggers I am skipping the obvious big names.

 To come up with this list was harder than I thought, for both technical and emotional reasons. But here are my finalists:

1. Mike’s look at life: In my opinion this is the most amazing combination of pictures and words to describe a life well lived.

2. Mike10613: Another mike in my list, like he says ‘this site is English, get used to it’, is a blog by an English bloke, about simple things that make life.

3. Muddy Socks: At first look, it might seem like a personal journal, but really is a story about fight of a soul against oneself, in pursuit of her dreams.

4. Little Miss Vix: she is my favorite bed time story-teller, period.

5. The Understander: This blog should be listed in the most dangerous weapons of mass destruction, the man behind it, is capable of killing you remotely, with a fit of laughter, just with his words.  

On a serious thought, I really like the idea behind this award, “You must Share the best of what life throws at you.”